
Practice area ESCALONA & DE FUENTES provides comprehensive advice on business and corporate law, for which it has a multidisciplinary team made up of highly specialized professionals.

Corporate, M&A and Finance

In the Corporate, M&A and Finance Area, an important part of our professional practice consists in advising in the field of Mergers and Acquisitions, including acquisition transactions…


Public and Regulatory

The professionals of the Firm in the Public and Regulatory Area, provide comprehensive advice to companies that provide or intend to provide services in areas regulated by the Spanish Public Law….


Joaquín de Fuentes Bardají
Co-Managing Partner


The professionals of the Firm in the Tax Area offer our clients, both individuals and legal entities, specialised advice on tax planning for acquisitions and sales…



The professionals of the Firm in the L Employment Area offer general advice to companies in this area, seeking effective solutions not only in the hiring and assessment of employees, but also in the…


The professionals of the Firm in the Litigation Area, provide advice in situations of conflict in civil and commercial matters, accompanying the client in all phases, from…


Real Estate

The professionals of the Firm in the Real Estate Area, advise institutional, national and international investors, investment banks, real estate fund managers, builders…

Family Business

The professionals of the Firm in the Family Business Area, provide cross-cutting advice on the multiple legal problems faced by both the family business and its partners.


Jose Antonio Escalona de Molina
Co-Managing Partner


Hospitality and Leisure

In the Hospitality and Leisure Area, in a context of new challenges and perspectives with the entry of institutional funds in the tourism sector, the lawyers of the Firm advise investors in the tourism sector…


Contact a professional

If you have any queries, you can contact a professional in the area of your interest directly. If you prefer, you can contact us at

Contact Form Demo (#6)

Knowledge management

Our Firm has a knowledge management area dedicated to the continuous updating of the documentary base of both the library and the internal models, practical dossiers, publications, etc.